The doorway to the future is now open. Please don't attempt to bribe Madame Sosostris with promises of sweets and exotic teas. She accepts no fees for her readings, believing that to take coin for such a gift would condemn her to the land of the dead and a hereafter of giant, talking centipedes.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Viva la evolution!

For Alex

Here we come upon an unusual spread containing several cards from the Major Arcana.

In the present position we have the wedded Five and Six of Cups. You are currently obsessing over something lost to you, and you feel an overwhelming longing for the past.

You also feel you don’t have enough time for yourself, and your goal of reducing the craziness in your life is a good one. People will make demands upon you, but there are times we have to back off and say no. You can only do so much and you can’t be responsible for everybody else. Let them scoop their own shit.

In the distant past we find the Fool. You are eccentric and intelligent. Humor is your friend, and you've used it to get through dark days.

The near future involves a period of moderation, maturation and reflection.

In the doorway from the present to the future we find the Knight of Swords. This is a card of movement and energy and Madame must confess confusion by its appearance with the above Temperance card. On one hand we see reflection and moderation; on the other energy and moving forward in the same space. You are someone in the middle of a battle. The Knight of Swords often indicates plane travel. Maybe you are packing your bags, and moving on. Or maybe you are just going to Las Vegas. It could also mean you are spreading your wings.

The Wheel of Fortune card speaks of choice and change and wonderful opportunities. Do not resist your own evolution.

Nine of Wands indicate you are very close to achieving something. You have given support in the past. If someone offers you support, don’t be afraid to take it. Don’t block yourself off.

The overview card is the Emperor. Some see the Emperor as the master of his domain. What he seeks he shall find. Others see him as someone struggling for personal independence.

This spread is conflicted and full of contrasts. I see two people - one calm and content; one full of energy and conflicted.

For a younger person, I would say this is about finding who you are and embarking upon a new life. For someone else I would say it’s about breaking out of a rut and embarking upon a new adventure. This could be a relationship, a job, or both. Often the security of the known keeps up from moving forward and becoming all we can be. Very often we don’t get off our asses until we are forced to make a decision. The old bird-in-the-hand bullshit. Don’t settle for that, and don’t second guess yourself. Move forward with the confidence of an emperor.

1 comment:

Alex Adams said...

Whoa! This is me and my life right now to a T. Conflict and content sit on different sides of my Libra scales and I'm always struggling to balance the two. Especially right now when I'm rapidly moving forward with my career, and struggling to carve more time out for myself while not neglecting those around me. I'm in my 30's, and definitely trying to break out of a rut. The new adventure is so close I can nearly touch it.

The fool is also bang on. Humor is always my shield. It's carried me through the darkest periods of my life.

I'm astonished and truly grateful, dear Madame :)