The doorway to the future is now open. Please don't attempt to bribe Madame Sosostris with promises of sweets and exotic teas. She accepts no fees for her readings, believing that to take coin for such a gift would condemn her to the land of the dead and a hereafter of giant, talking centipedes.

Monday, July 31, 2006


The first card I turn is the Three of Swords. A change has recently occurred in your life. Madame feels you are currently in the grips of a heartache due to this change. I see a powerful transformation -- within yourself or someone you are close to. I feel it is yourself.

Communication is the key.

You currently find yourself in a situation of little control. You have spent time waiting. You are waiting. This is related to something you can do nothing about, which causes you great frustration.

You have recently emerged from a period of struggle for personal independence.

In the future you will need go along with the changes around you. In this way you can turn them to your advantage.

You have reached a new maturity and are poised at the doorway, a strong female, the Queen of Swords. Yet I see a barrier between the queen and others. I’m not sure what this means.

You are a newly hatched Page of Cups, breaking free, making new contacts and spreading your wings. This is a time for celebrating. Indulge yourself and appreciate yourself for who you are.

The overview cards is the Queen of Wands. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. This card impacts the entire spread. You are a dynamic, creative woman of great resolve. You are facing challenges, you are up to the task, and you are looking to the future with a sense of freshness and enthusiasm. Organized and produce!

As I look over the reading, it seems the first part – the past – portrays one person, the old Laurie; the second part – the present and future, portrays the new Laurie. You have recently undergone a period of transformation and good things are ahead. Like Madame always says, there’s nothing wrong with being strong and being female.

Burn your bra, burn your apron, pour yourself a drink, and enjoy the next chapter of your life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the world according to jason

In the present position we find the Knight of Wands. This is your time, and you are possessed of dynamic energy. You are either on a trip at this moment, or planning to leave on one soon.

The card immediately following in the Chariot. On a mundane level, this could actually mean you are planning to take the above trip by car. But the Chariot card is complex, and the pairing of these two cards could mean you are embarking upon a journey of spirit and soul. It can represent the overcoming of obstacles on a life journey.

A strong current focus involves romance or family or both.

In the distant past I see a period of withdrawal and rest. More recently we find the Nine of Swords. You have a tendency to blow things out of proportion and the turmoil you often feel comes from within yourself. You are coming to terms with this aspect of your nature which in turn gives you power over it.

In the immediate future a new doorway is opening which will improve your financial situation.

You are involved in a balanced partnership. This could be romance, but I feel it’s business. You are facing many choices and are confused. Don’t let yourself be taken in by delusions or deceptions.

The overview card is The World. This reading is a little on the lukewarm side, with nothing that really stands out. I don’t know if it’s me, the moon, or the cards, but at least we finish with a bang. Basically the World in this position is saying that after all the crap, the self-doubt, the hard-as-hell-work, the delusion and illusion, you will attain what you seek.

of kings and coins and strength

Brianna's Reading:

The first card in the present position is the Ace of Cups. Aces represent seeds and new beginnings. I also see you looking to the either the West, the Fall, or both. Madame has no idea what this means.

To set this new beginning in motion, a choice has to be made. You have either just made the choice, or are currently trying to come to a decision.

Your goal or destiny card is a bit unclear at the moment, which leads me to believe that you are struggling to find your place in the world. Or perhaps your place within your own personal kingdom.

In the past you were defined by an intense relationship. You may or may not still be in that relationship, but you are working to find your individual self.

The Ten of Cups in the recent past tells me of a bond, possibly but not necessarily the same one referred to above.

In the coming year the fruits of your labor will be realized and you will gain recognition for something you’ve worked hard to achieve.

In the doorway to the future, you stand in question. This is the time to look carefully, consider carefully, then move forward with confidence. Trust yourself.

You are an incredibly determined person, and are in the process of experiencing a powerful transformation. Be prepared. Be unafraid.

The High Priestess makes her appearance toward the end of the spread, indicating that you are much guided by intuition and mystery. This is an element that is very strong in you. Nurture it and use it to your advantage.

Your overview card is the King of Coins. This card impacts all the previous cards.

This card in this position is a little tough to decipher. I see old money. I see new money. I see that you are on the cusp of attaining something big that is also about money. It’s not a gift or something won, but something you have achieved through your own strength and determination.

Go forth and kick ass.