The doorway to the future is now open. Please don't attempt to bribe Madame Sosostris with promises of sweets and exotic teas. She accepts no fees for her readings, believing that to take coin for such a gift would condemn her to the land of the dead and a hereafter of giant, talking centipedes.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

of kings and lovers

angie's reading:

In the present position we find the KING OF SWORDS. This is a great card to have here. You see a problem; you solve it. You cut through the confusion and you get the job done. Because of your intellect, analytical and communication skills, you are able to resolve significant problems. You are fair and ethical. One of your strengths is your ability to brainstorm ideas.

The King of Swords is immediately influenced by the TWO OF CUPS. This indicates a fairly new relationship. It could be a marriage, engagement, or a business partnership. But it is definitely about two people, and the combined strength and energy of those two people.

The next card I turn is the KNIGHT OF COINS. This is your time. Your hard work and persistence is paying off. While this card is usually about business, it could also refer to a personal relationship.

In the distant past I see that you’ve come through a period of rest and recuperation. That is behind you. You are focused and on track.

In the recent past we find the EIGHT OF SWORDS. You’ve recently come through a period of frustration where you felt nothing was working. Patience was the answer. Eights are about taking charge and taking action. A lot of that going on is this reading. You know what you want. You have the strength, determination and vision to carry it out.

You’ve built a strong foundation for yourself, which will serve you well in the coming year. Madame gets the feeling YOU are the strong foundation.

In the doorway from the present to the future, we find THE DEVIL. Even though you are a leader with strong, solid ideas, you sometimes fall victim to your own negativity. Do not block your own path. If one day you wake up and find yourself blocking your own doorway to success, kick yourself in the ass and keep going.

The involvement of a Capricorn bodes well for a project or love relationship.

I see a strong partnership or marriage, and more signs of a solid, strong foundation. You are in a good place emotionally right now, and are enjoying what you’ve worked hard to achieve.

The overview card is THE LOVERS.

Here was have the number two again. On the surface this card could signify a business union or romantic union. It can also reflect a duality within you. That need to kick yourself in the ass thing.
But this card has gone through many personas since the beginning of tarot. It was originally called love, and in a very roundabout way love can mean choice and your heart’s desire. So I think your overview is about choice and choosing what you love and what your soul needs to survive in this world, what the artist in you needs, whether it’s love of a person, love of work, or both. Since this is the overview card, it means the choice has already been made and you are in the process of change due to that choice.

In a chocolate-coated nutshell: After a period of inactivity, you made a choice of soul. It was the right choice.


angie said...

Dudette, I mean Madame S., that was pretty spot on. LOVE it when I get some, er, "outside" validation. I quit my hyper-stressful day job last Dec. because I couldn't freakin' stand it any more and I NEEDED to get back to writing. Looks like the cards agree that this was a good thing. Thanks a million, billion. Looking forward to meeting the great Madame S. in person later this month!

anne frasier said...

angie, glad the reading made sense! since i know nothing about you, i had no idea if it was a solid reading or not. and the first reading after a couple of months away can sometimes be vague.

i'm both nervous and excited about phoenix!

angie said...

Why the nerves? You're a total pro and I'm sure it's gonna be good. Except for the part about being in hell, I mean Phoenix.

And believe me, there was nothing vaguely vague-like about the reading. It made perfect sense to me, down to the need to kick myself in the ass. Again, many thanks!

anne frasier said...

i haven't been to a conference in years, so just the idea of going to one is kind of overwhelming. especially for somebody who rarely leaves her house! talk about needing a kick in the ass. :D

i read that lows in phoenix will be 80 or 90. yikes! i thought it always got cool in the desert at night, even in summer. i was thinking i'd just go out about 3:00 am. guess not!

angie said...

Phoenix is in the desert, but it's a sprawling city with tons of pollution to hold in the heat. So 80 to 90 is kinda normal for summer lows.

This is my first conference...ever! I feel a little weird 'cause my novel is still very much a work in progress, but fuck it. Looks like lots of good writers, panels and workshops, so I'm sticking the insecurities in the back pocket and going. It should be fun, even if it'll be spontaneously combustibly hot. Air conditioning is a beautiful thing!

anne frasier said...

good to know about the temperatures so i can be prepared!

i'm guessing you'll really enjoy the conference.