The doorway to the future is now open. Please don't attempt to bribe Madame Sosostris with promises of sweets and exotic teas. She accepts no fees for her readings, believing that to take coin for such a gift would condemn her to the land of the dead and a hereafter of giant, talking centipedes.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


In the present position we find the King of Wands. The king is never shy. He is a leader who steps in and takes charge. You are the king. The king is energy and creativity.

This card is immediately impacted by the MOON. This signifies the end of a major cycle. You’ve completed something, and are either embarking or about to embark on a new journey. A Pisces might be involved.

You are questioning this new journey or path. This could be an inner-clash, or a struggle with an actual person.

You are a strong person conflicted by the choices you must make. We all worry about our choices. We all make wrong choices. It will happen, but never let that fear keep you from moving forward. Movement is better than stagnation. Madame also thinks there are two other things battling for attention in your life. Career or school, and your dreams.

In the distant past we find the Nine of Swords. In the past you’ve felt isolated. This is immediately impacted by the recent past and the Hanging Dragon. You’ve been through a period of delay and suspension. Perhaps you were gathering strength, recharging, refilling the well. Or maybe so many people were making demands on your time that there was nothing left for you.

I see an emotionally sensitive woman in your future. Someone who will understand your dreams and help guide you.

In the doorway to the future I see the Hierophant. Perhaps you are learning a new skill that will lead you down a new path. Perhaps you are or will be a teacher. Perhaps you are a student. Madame might be pulling this out of her butt – she wonders if you are involved in something to do with local history, law, or local government. Is a Taurus involved?

You are currently experiencing frustration because it seems you can’t win no matter what you do or say. I would tell you to be patient, but that would be hypocritical since Madame hasn’t an ounce of patience. I want my gin enema, and I want it now, dammit.

Ah, the LOVERS. And in the place of secret desires. Interesting…. This could actually mean you long for true love and may even secretly desire a certain someone. But it could also mean you are on a secret quest for your heart’s desire. This could be a person, but it could also be a career or artistic endeavor that you seek. And isn’t soul gratification what we all yearn for? That which makes life worth living and gives us purpose? Once we find it, we lock in. We abandon all else for this that answers the questions we’ve been asking.

The overview card: Knight of Wands.
Ahhhh, again. Something has changed recently, and you are already embarking upon a new life. You are taking those first steps, and you are understandably nervous to leave the old behind. We are all tied to our past, but even when you step through a door the room you left still exists. Don’t grieve for it. That which brought you to this point can’t be undone and will always be there. So let the old give you strength in this new place. Whether good or bad, the past made you who you are today.

Like Madame always says, there’s nothing wrong with looking toward the future while recalling the feel of the barstool against your ass.


Jaye Wells said...

I think she means you need to drink more.

anne frasier said...

was madame way off with that one?
i told her she shouldn't do readings while she's doing mushrooms. *tisk, tisk*

well, hopefully it's good advice for some poor soul who stumbles in here looking for solace.

Jaye Wells said...

I haven't asked Em what she thinks of it, but I can see how it might apply. Really my previous comment was my way of asking for a girl's night.

Stephen Blackmoore said...

Huh. And here's me thinking mushrooms were the way to go.

anne frasier said...

jaye: :D ah-hah!!

stephen: and let's not even mention the paranoia.

anne frasier said...

jaye: :D ah-hah!!

stephen: and let's not even mention the paranoia.